Trust your Instincts

Trust your instincts.  They are formed from your body-mind connection.  Allow this connection to dissolve the illusion of boundary between your form and the flow of life.  

You must become intuitive and listen to the response of your body in times of challenge.  The challenge can be disguised as love.  If you are not resonating with the love being delivered, your body will tell you before your mind can catch up.  A tense stomach or low energy can give you a clue that the current situation is not in your definition of your truth.  You always have a choice as to how you wish to participate, either within the drama or without.

Self-care is of utmost importance as you become aware of the body’s response.  Remove yourself from the situation if possible.  Bring the tension away from your body with a massage or other gentle body movement.  Ask me, Archangel Raphael and my helper angels to bring a deep, rejuvenating sleep.  The answer to how to deal with the struggle currently in your path will become very clear.

We are here, Dear Ones.  Call on Us to come into your home and fill it with the divine love of the angels.  Where there is love, there can be no darkness.  Bring in the Light, the Light, the Light.  Bring in the Love, the Love, the Love.

You are the Gift

Your very presence has the potential to inspire and enlighten all who cross your path.  This is your gift.

 In gratitude for all you have been given by Mother Earth, your body; the foods you need for health; the opportunity to grow in the lessons afforded to you here; giveaway your ability to be a blessing to all who come in contact with you.

There has been a lot of  attention to the idea of Twin Souls.  The obsession is not worthy of your time and attention for all beings are souls needing the interaction with you and you them. Each relationship is a blessing and a gift.  The more intimate the relationship, the more it can teach you, if you allow.

Some of your relationships have been less than savory.  The only way through to this lesson is with acceptance.  The Archangel Realm is here for you.  We can help you find the workshops, books, mentors who can aid you so you can reclaim your strength.

Retreat and detach.  Let go so that the energy of Love can come back to fullness in your heart.  Call on me, Archangel Raphael and my army to assist you.  Breathe deep in Our Presence and let Us take care of it all.  We will recharge your body and guide you to self-care that is essential during this transformation.

Just Love

You deserve a break.  You have worked so diligently towards clearing your mind of negativity and maintaining your peace.  Imagine an experience that will bring you even more peace.  This is not a vacation for entertainment but to give you more time in your daily experience to enjoy the peace you have cultivated.  It is a gift to yourself.  

Time enjoying nature is always an easy way you can expand the peace you feel in your heart.  The trees are here to elevate your self-love.  They will mirror you wherever you are and open you up to receive more.There is so much more to receive.  Imagine that you are never done opening to more Love.

This simple idea is your life purpose.  Each one on the planet is working towards the same goal, to feel more love for self and for others.  Once you tap into the ease of this you will be able to receive the care and abundance of the universe.  Just Love.  The Love will align you with your Divine Inspiration.  This will bring you closer to your joy which will bring more Love.
