doubt kills intuition

Doubt kills intuition.  Intuition stems from  a strong body-mind connection.  It is a knowing that is crystal clear.  It is a form of feminine knowledge.  The human body contains both masculine and feminine aspects.  To remain in balance, the body-mind connection must be diligently maintained.  There are many of you who believe in one extreme or another.  This is an imbalance.  To ignore your physical body because you have spend many hours developing your spiritual connection or the opposite, developing your body and expect a healthy balance.  Any extreme will not bring you the peace that is eluding you.

Trust the instinctual response of your body with your relationships as well.  If your stomach becomes ill just before meeting someone, you must look closely into this.  It is not a mistake or accident.  Even if you ate something that is causing the ill feeling, there is a reason you ate it in the first place.  Take a moment to really understand these words.  We are here for you.  We can help you move through these awakenings to your personal truth.  Call on the Angelic Realm, especially when you are feel these instances arise.  We can clear the messages so you can move through them with grace.

Your Garden



Plant a Seed first, then allow the universal energy to infuse it with the love it needs to grow.  Your deepest wishes only need your faith and Love to manifest.  When you plant an actual seed, you do not remove it from its nurturing environment to get a progress update.  The act of planting is a faith filled activity.

Trust your Seed has its own vitality.  Your Seed has a will to grow all on its own.  The growth cannot not be managed by the mind or by tasks.  You may revisit your Seed to give it more Love, like the water you give a sprouting plant.  Any other manipulation may hinder its growth.

All is in the Love.



Generate Passion


The force you generate from your passion is strengthened by your connection to spirit through your body.  If your body has given you signs of deterioration, it is imperative that you begin to listen to the messages your body is trying to give you.  an illness or dis-ease is your body screaming for attention because you have spent many years ignoring the messages.

You need not struggle anymore.  If it is guidance you wish to receive to maintain your weight, ask Me, Archangel Raphael to lead you to the best foods for you for your optimal health.  You are unique.  The foods you eat that are best for you are not the same as another.  Ask for assistance and listen to your heart. We are constantly giving you messages but you turn away, usually because you have over thought the suggestion.  Free Will is your right.  We cannot intervene beyond that.  Surrender for a day and witness for yourself the simplicity of caring for yourself.  If it is more money you need to maintain a healthier diet than we will provide that for you too.  Have faith, Dear One.  Do not let the guidance for what is best for be dictated by outside influence.  Always check with your internal monitor, your heart.

You will find more joy and vitality by accepting this help.  Your conscious mind is in your way.  Find the path inward and all will be revealed.  You are all important as an expression of Source. Your vitality will raise your vibration and clear your confusion.  Live in gratitude for what is and more will come.

Strength and Resilience

The balance of your body, mind and spirit will make shooting an arrow from your heart towards your intended goal easier to receive.  When all is in alignment, your message to the Angelic Realm is clear and we are able to deliver more quickly.  When you are without a doubt, securely and confidently moving towards your goal, your self-talk is positive and reassuring.  Keep your aim true and your goal in sight regardless of your starting point.  It may seem you need a miracle and you may!  Miracles happen everyday, many times a day.

By dedicating your time to your health and steadily improving the strength and resilience of your body, you will recover from years of neglect quickly.  You body craves balance.  It will help you reach your goal when your mind is trying to sabotage your efforts.  Your mind is programmed to limit your power by stopping any movement towards wholeness and reuniting with the Divine.  Once you have felt the truth of the power within this alignment, you will know the limiting aspect of your mind and be able to override the sabotage by asking for our assistance.

Take time to listen to your body for a message today.   

Divine Vocation

Developing your inner truth will lead to a vocation filled with Divine purpose and meaning.  Once the discipline has been made to connect to your true vibration of Love by finding the way to your body-mind connection, you will realize your natural healing capabilities.  You are all capable of bringing in the healing vibration of Love to undue the damage of life with this illusion of abandonment from Source.

You will discover a flow of Love for your Fellows that will heal the world.  It is as if you finally give permission to express your Divine service contract.  All who are born on the planet at this time can find this with more ease than in other lifetimes.  These words are for your inspiration.  It is all very simple because it is all based on Love.

First Love yourself by connecting to Source everyday.  Your body awareness will become more defined.  You will find you are intuitively attracted to certain activity and foods that will bring you the most vitality.  Your downfall comes from your mind.  It will over think things.  If you need more support to follow these messages, ask me Archangel Raphael to help you get the knowledge; meet the right people; or acquire the funds to improve your life.

It will all come together, one person at a time.  You are precious to us.  Please call!

Trust your Instincts

Trust your instincts.  They are formed from your body-mind connection.  Allow this connection to dissolve the illusion of boundary between your form and the flow of life.  

You must become intuitive and listen to the response of your body in times of challenge.  The challenge can be disguised as love.  If you are not resonating with the love being delivered, your body will tell you before your mind can catch up.  A tense stomach or low energy can give you a clue that the current situation is not in your definition of your truth.  You always have a choice as to how you wish to participate, either within the drama or without.

Self-care is of utmost importance as you become aware of the body’s response.  Remove yourself from the situation if possible.  Bring the tension away from your body with a massage or other gentle body movement.  Ask me, Archangel Raphael and my helper angels to bring a deep, rejuvenating sleep.  The answer to how to deal with the struggle currently in your path will become very clear.

We are here, Dear Ones.  Call on Us to come into your home and fill it with the divine love of the angels.  Where there is love, there can be no darkness.  Bring in the Light, the Light, the Light.  Bring in the Love, the Love, the Love.

You are the Gift

Your very presence has the potential to inspire and enlighten all who cross your path.  This is your gift.

 In gratitude for all you have been given by Mother Earth, your body; the foods you need for health; the opportunity to grow in the lessons afforded to you here; giveaway your ability to be a blessing to all who come in contact with you.

There has been a lot of  attention to the idea of Twin Souls.  The obsession is not worthy of your time and attention for all beings are souls needing the interaction with you and you them. Each relationship is a blessing and a gift.  The more intimate the relationship, the more it can teach you, if you allow.

Some of your relationships have been less than savory.  The only way through to this lesson is with acceptance.  The Archangel Realm is here for you.  We can help you find the workshops, books, mentors who can aid you so you can reclaim your strength.

Retreat and detach.  Let go so that the energy of Love can come back to fullness in your heart.  Call on me, Archangel Raphael and my army to assist you.  Breathe deep in Our Presence and let Us take care of it all.  We will recharge your body and guide you to self-care that is essential during this transformation.

You are Loved That Much


You have at your disposal all the knowledge in the Universe.  There is an energetic band that will supply you with all that you need to move forward to the next inspiration.  As you move through this lifetime, your experiences help you gather information.  This information is processed by your conscious mind but more importantly you are preparing for the next beginning on an energetic level.  This is not a conscious undertaking.  To reach the deeper part of your knowing, you must be still.  

We have talked to you of your body and how important it is to help you process the experiences you have attracted.  It is the way towards your ascension.  You become more aware how the energy of your interactions affects your form.  Become aware of how it affects the creation process.

Move through with Faith that you are never alone.  Call on Us, the Angelic Realm, to stand by you.  We have only Love for you and compassion for your struggles.  Find your way to peaceful transitions, using your body to help you process transitions faster and with more grace.

Nurturing physical contact with others is crucial to your happiness and equilibrium.  We will be able to help you find this closeness if you allow us to guide you.  We will never demand or order.  You will know it is Divine when it fills you with joy.  In the first moments of the message you will be pleased.  Many of you tend to negate the possibility of such a gift within seconds of the original thought.  Allow the joy to linger and open to the possibility that you are Loved that much!

Be You


Your individual experience makes you the expert in your life.  Seeking approval from others, including institutions, reveals self doubt. You may decide the best way towards a certain goal is through training or education but do not loose the individual you are.  These institutions are designed to make cookie cutter people.  Understand the limitation inherent in the social design and use the experience to help you create a unique expression.

There is no other like you.  You are a unique version of Source in a physical reality.  To live in your power, you need not defend yourself and your actions to anyone.

Most importantly, Dear Ones, you must forgive yourself.  We have given you this knowledge before and will continue to share it.    There are those who need it repeated.  There is no such thing as getting lost in your life.  If you feel lost, ask for our guidance.  Expect to receive in the most powerful and best way.  Your imagination is holding you back.  Do not doubt anymore.  Miracles happen everyday.  

All the choices you make are giving you experiences that only you can have in the very unique essence of who you are.  Source has created this opportunity to experience this physical reality in all the forms that you are.  Be You.

You are Divine

You are the totality of all that has ever been, will be and can be.  There is nothing occurring at this very moment that can hurt you.

I am here for you , Dear Ones.  You are precious.  That is why you have angelic help at your command.  We are an army of Love to alleviate any suffering.  You have had a hard time staying connected to Source.  It was meant to be that way.  We must remind you of Our Presence.  We are messengers of pure Love from Source.  There is no issue that is too much for Love to swallow whole.  Your mission is to allow the Love, then allow more.  Allow the Love to flow when you feel least inclined to do it.  Love is alchemy.

Bring Love to your relationships, no matter how estranged or even if there is distance.  Love travels through all space and time. Those are illusions built by your reality anyway.    Imagine all people or situations bathed in Love.  Love clears all negativity so the truth can be unleashed.  Truth is expression of self, for in essence you are Divine.