Mary Speaks

The human being is deeply rooted as are the other beings that share the planet with you.  There is much power that resides in the depth of who you truly are.  Most of you are functioning in a paradigm that does not give you opportunity to express this fierce creativity.   It is time to connect, once again, to your roots.

There is a generous flow of abundance that Mother Earth has available for you, right now.  You have learned to operate in a lack mentality.  It has taken most of your life to learn to live believing in the struggle you now participate in.  Understand that you are a willing participant.  You have asked to know how it is to live in fear so that you may find your way back to Source.  Relearning this lesson will take discipline and patience.

Like a nurturing mother, I am here to lift you up when you fall.  You are young but resilient and courageous.  Only the bravest beings have asked to be born into this physical reality.  Know that it is time to reach deep into yourself for that wild, untamed passion and unleash it.  Your passion can be identified by your emotional response.  Emotions are a gift.  As long as you use them to inform you rather than lead you.  It is easy to get caught in drama of emotions, but this is not their purpose.

Herein lies the secret to happiness… choose

Just Love

You deserve a break.  You have worked so diligently towards clearing your mind of negativity and maintaining your peace.  Imagine an experience that will bring you even more peace.  This is not a vacation for entertainment but to give you more time in your daily experience to enjoy the peace you have cultivated.  It is a gift to yourself.  

Time enjoying nature is always an easy way you can expand the peace you feel in your heart.  The trees are here to elevate your self-love.  They will mirror you wherever you are and open you up to receive more.There is so much more to receive.  Imagine that you are never done opening to more Love.

This simple idea is your life purpose.  Each one on the planet is working towards the same goal, to feel more love for self and for others.  Once you tap into the ease of this you will be able to receive the care and abundance of the universe.  Just Love.  The Love will align you with your Divine Inspiration.  This will bring you closer to your joy which will bring more Love.


Create the Abundance You Crave

The energy and faith you hold in your heart generate your thoughts.  You can clear any doubt that you have the support you need to create the abundance in your life your crave.  Give over your heart wish to be in a career that speaks to your life purpose to the angels. With that peace and acceptance that you are being heard you must have patience and faith that is here now.  

Like any parent, Source looks upon each of you with the belief that you deserve the best possible outcome in your life.  If you did not have parents that supported you emotionally, know that in the core of their existence they have only Love and encouragement for you.  Look beyond all the obstacles that have come in this lifetime.  Put them behind you.  Give them to your angels.  

Close your eyes and become aware of your breath.  Imagine two angels with a big basket in front of you and place these obstacles and worries in the basket.  Take your time. Once your have placed all in the basket.  The angels will purify the contents of the basket through Love.  Watch them fly away with it and disperse ALL in the Light.  Feel the peace you have created for yourself.

Through the eyes of your inner child, you can conjure new ideas for the rebirth of your life.  Through the innocence and faith of a Young One that has not been tainted by disappointment you can find the creativity for new ideas.  Take the ride in your imagination and form a grand vision to aspire to.

Ask that I, Archangel Michael, lend you courage and fortitude.  There is no separation between you, your thoughts, dreams and aspirations and the Divine.  Once your realize this with confidence, take that energy and charge forward.  Do Not take No for an answer.  Expect miracles to appear.