You are the Gift

Your very presence has the potential to inspire and enlighten all who cross your path.  This is your gift.

 In gratitude for all you have been given by Mother Earth, your body; the foods you need for health; the opportunity to grow in the lessons afforded to you here; giveaway your ability to be a blessing to all who come in contact with you.

There has been a lot of  attention to the idea of Twin Souls.  The obsession is not worthy of your time and attention for all beings are souls needing the interaction with you and you them. Each relationship is a blessing and a gift.  The more intimate the relationship, the more it can teach you, if you allow.

Some of your relationships have been less than savory.  The only way through to this lesson is with acceptance.  The Archangel Realm is here for you.  We can help you find the workshops, books, mentors who can aid you so you can reclaim your strength.

Retreat and detach.  Let go so that the energy of Love can come back to fullness in your heart.  Call on me, Archangel Raphael and my army to assist you.  Breathe deep in Our Presence and let Us take care of it all.  We will recharge your body and guide you to self-care that is essential during this transformation.

Cultivate Peace


Just as there is enough sustenace is the world to support the lives of the plants and animals, there is enough for each and every one of you.  You limit yourselves as to how much you can receive, Dear Ones.  Let it be easier.  Be done with the idea of suffering.  It has been ingrained into your very being, but it can be undone.  Your original programming is a life of Freedom and Love.  Give away all your worries for peace of mind because Source energy is really steering the ship!

Surrender to your Higher Self and its guidance.  Your angels have only the purest intent on your behalf as does Source.  You were not created to be abandoned and left to suffer and endure this life then die.  There is great joy and freedom if you let go of the control you think you need.

Ask for my help!  I can be in many places at once.  There is not request that is too small.  My Legion of Light wishes to establish peace one person at a time.  Make it the most important goal and the rest is taken care of.  Do not let the fear continue to rule your thoughts but allow it to inspire a better outcomes.  You might say, “The next time it will look like this_______.”  Create your preferred outcome.  Wrap it like a gift to yourself.  You must cultivate the faith for the energy to work.  Find peace in your heart everyday.  We Love You.